FinProm was the destination for one of my first experiences as an enthusiastic boy who has just came out from the theoretical world of digits and who wanted to demonstrate that a person’s valences must absolutely rise up from the place in which one starts to sow them through a sustained effort, through passion and involvement. Here, I had the pleasure to meet people with the same aspirations as mine, eager to share from their experience and thus to help me evolve professionally. I believe that the level of training of the people working for Moltiply's technical department is at any time comparable to the level of the great companies in the domain. In this company, I was given more than I expected in terms of advanced standards and I was given the necessary means in order to evolve personally or to maintain myself in contact with the latest technology. But at the same time, this job always offered me new challenges. For all this, I consider that FinProm provides me the level of work satisfaction that I need in order to be able to come with pleasure at the office every morning.
Hi! My name is Fodor Paul, I'm 24 and in a few lines I want to share with you my experience, so far, in FinProm. I have been working here for almost two years now and I can say that during this period I integrated myself perfectly among people who involved themselves in my continuous training and growth by offering me different courses, trainings and practical methods, proving professionalism and a lot of patience. My experience began in the fall of 2015 when I had my hiring interview. I was anxious and at the same time curious to find out what kind of activity would I develop, the people with whom I would work and the time necessary for my training. I started gradually to recognize the values mentioned in the first interview, my training being the point when I had contact for the first time with the activity that I was due to carry out in my role as data operator. This role permitted me an easy growth in a solid structured and well organized team. After a short period of time I was promoted to a different activity and role through which my professional career went on and still goes on. Now, on my own turn, I pass further to the new employees the achieved information and skills through cooperation, teamwork and meritocracy, helping to sustain the activity and the promotion of the company’s values. Here is the place where I want to continue, it is the place that offers me confidence, the place which I feel I belong to.
The finance-banking domain, the young and ambitious staff, the opportunity to learn a foreign language were the main reasons that attracted me from the beginning. Hired since my university years, this working place offered me the possibility of both personal and professional growth. I had the opportunity to be involved in different projects, thus I succeeded to develop the skills I already owned and to gain new ones. I learned what team work means, I emphasized on responsibility and the motivation of a well done work was always a priority. I appreciate the continuous training I benefited from, the courses I participated in, the involvement of trainers, because in this way I managed to gain new knowledge and to learn different ways to manage properly the situations encountered. The collaboration with colleagues of other nationality helped me to learn a foreign language and to know other customs and perspectives of what a well done work means. I succeeded to share my knowledge with my colleagues and at the same time to learn from them.
My name is Monica and since 2009 I have been working at FinProm, in the CLC department. At a friend’s recommendation, I decided to apply for the PC operator job in this company. Through work and performance I advanced into the position of assistant team leader. At the same time I offered support to different teams by helping my colleagues to cope with the backlogs. Due to this experience I managed to learn in detail almost every micro activity developed in this department. Since 2014 I am a team leader and I coordinate a team of 20 persons from Post Vendita office. The prime advantage given by our company is that every employee has the possibility not only to learn many new things, such as the Italian language, but also to grow. All team leaders from CLC department are people who were promoted from inside the company for devotion and hard work, proving all the skills necessary for this job. I can say that I’m proud to be part of a large, united, ambitious team which is always confident in its strength. Through efficiency and the hard work submitted along the years, I feel appreciated and fulfilled from the professional point of view. My advice for the new employees is that they should be aware of the fact that they are working in a large company, in a competitive environment and that only by performance one can have opportunities inside the company. The staff is young, dynamic, open minded, understanding and work focused.
My collaboration with FinProm started in December 2010. Throughout these years I can say that I have been living a very beautiful experience together with a young and eager for new experience staff. In this company, thanks to the courses organized during the working hours, I had the opportunity to learn the Italian language. This fact helped me very much in my professional evolution, in my direct collaboration with external clients, in my active participation at meetings with client’s senior representatives. Currently I collaborate with one of the most important clients from Moltiply S.p.A. Italian holding and this is an opportunity given to me due to my occasional assignment to work in Cagliari (Italy) where the basis of all operative activities are. Attending a leadership course made by the HR department was another opportunity offered by FinProm and this course helped me to shape my career as one of the coordinators from the department Organizzazione e Processi Arad. I recommend all young people, fresh graduates or students that are looking for a job to join FinProm team because they: - Will find a very young staff - Will find opportunities to grow and develop a career - Will be able to attend free Italian courses and trainings (leadership + soft skills) - Will be able to participate at team buildings and team work activities
FinProm gave me the chance of a career in a professional environment without requiring previous experience or knowledge, offering training and guiding throughout my professional course. Regardless the activity, team work was a priority, teaching me how to act as a member of a multinational company and as a person. I have been working in FinProm since March 2008 and in these 9 years I’ve done many complex analysis activities. The chance to train new colleagues was given to me together with the assimilation of knowledge and continued with me coordinating their work as a leader. In 2013 another opportunity was given to me, that of starting up a new department (insurance) inside the company. The leaves to Brussels at the headquarters of our client GEB, the liberty and the sense of responsibility to form a team in order to coordinate it in daily activities gave me the possibility to get directly involved in the project. The fact that after so many years I still find myself in the position to take over new clients and activities, it confirms me that in this company I can have continuous professional and personal growth and this gives me confidence and stability in my choice.
După mulți ani de căutare, în sfârșit, am găsit ceea ce își dorește oricine de la un job, adică onestitate, încredere, o șansă oferită tinerilor și profesionalism. Munca de calitate, echipa tânără și dinamică, precum și posibilitatea de promovare și consolidare a poziției în cadrul companiei sunt motivele pentru care am ales să aplic pentru un job în FinProm. Odată angajată, formatorii m-au antrenat și mi-au insuflat încredere pe plan profesional, am crescut și am promovat datorită angajamentului și dorinței de a învăța cât mai multe. Acum, după 4 ani lucrați în acest mediu, aș putea defini FinProm-ul astfel: profesionalism, responsabilitate, motivație, performanță și stabilitatea unui loc de muncă într-o economie în permanentă schimbare și nu în ultimul rând, o a doua familie. Datorită colegilor care m-au ghidat, care mi-au fost un exemplu prin experiențele lor în cadrul companiei, am învățat să fiu flexibilă, să lucrez în echipă, să cer și să ofer feedbackuri, să mă adaptez situațiilor profesionale ivite, să apreciez efortul comun depus pentru un rezultat de calitate și să înțeleg că "Teamwork makes the Dream Work".